2009 August

Red Wine and Resveratrol Health Benefits

Red Wine and Resveratrol Health Benefits

For years, people have been talking about the benefits of drink red wine daily in preventing heart disease and helps with cholesterol balance. Resveratrol has recently been the center of ground-breaking anti-aging research.

There are some health experts that say resveratrol is a "miracle" nutrient which can be useful for preventing many types of cancer.

Resveratrolhas also be known to help people loose weight. The is a new product called ProResvera Resveratrol Weight Loss the skins of certain fruits (grapes, blueberries and cranberries) and wine contain a compound called resveratrol, which has beneficial antioxidant properties which has promising heart-healthy benefits

Below, you'll find selected quotes from noted authors on the subject of Resveratrol.Grape juice contains resveratrol, as does cranberry juice, but at levels that are ten times less than those in red.Resveratrol content in different food and beverages: (uG 100 G), OyG/125 ML) Grapes 1,500, Red wine 625, Peanuts 150, White wine 38, Peanut butter 50, Grape juice 65, Blueberries 3, Cranberry juice 65, Raisins 0.01; resveratrolconcentration in red wine varies greatly from one grape variety to another and from one region to another, with values ranging from 1 to 13 mg/l

For years, people have been talking about the benefits of drink red wine daily in preventing heart disease and helps with cholesterol balance. Resveratrol has recently been the center of ground-breaking anti-aging research.

There are some health experts that say resveratrol is a "miracle" nutrient which can be useful for preventing many types of cancer.

Resveratrolhas also be known to help people loose weight. There is a new product called ProResvera Resveratrol Weight Loss. The skins of certain fruits (grapes, blueberries and cranberries) and wine contain a compound called resveratrol, which has beneficial antioxidant properties which has promising heart-healthy benefits.

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Loosing wieght is just one of the benefits of ProResvera.

Try a Free Bottle of ProResvera Resveratrol Weight Loss

Below, you'll find selected quotes from noted authors on the subject of Resveratrol.

Grape juice contains resveratrol, as does cranberry juice, but at levels that are ten times less than those in red.Resveratrol content in different food and beverages: (uG 100 G), OyG/125 ML) Grapes 1,500, Red wine 625, Peanuts 150, White wine 38, Peanut butter 50, Grape juice 65, Blueberries 3, Cranberry juice 65, Raisins 0.01; resveratrolconcentration in red wine varies greatly from one grape variety to another and from one region to another, with values ranging from 1 to 13 mg/l

- Foods That Fight Cancer: Preventing Cancer through Diet by Richard Beliveau, Ph.D. and Denis Gingras, Ph.D.

Of late, considerable attention has been devoted by scientists to the antioxidant properties of red wine's phenolic constituent, resveratrol, as an important contributor. White wine contains much less of this antioxidant, and therefore it has fewer health benefits. Resveratrol, unfortunately is not in green tea. However, green tea may offer even greater potential for health protection, since it not only includes the flavonoids active in red wine but also includes even more powerfully protective flavonoids that are unique to it. - The Green Tea Book by Lester A. Mitscher and Victoria Toews

Resveratrol - The Miracle Nutrient for Cancer, Cholesterol and Longevity

To You and Your Pets Health,


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