While driving your boat, you may not even notice when your engine loses power. When the injectors are dirty, gasoline flow is reduced in the engine. To compensate, the Electronic Control Unit increases the injection pulse frequency. When this happens, your motor will increase gasoline consumption and the engine, injectors and other elements may be compromised or even damaged. Varnish and other debris can scratch the insides and cause deformity in the spray patterns.
The injectors are commonly omitted in routine maintenance. Oil and gasoline filters are replaced frequently, but injectors also have filters that get dirty and need replacing in order to keep gasoline flowing freely. When the flow of gasoline is limited, the internal temperature of the engine increases.

Since ethanol comes mixed with the gasoline, the situation can worsen with higher contents of ethanol. It attracts the water contained inside the fuel, separating it from the gasoline and forming a type of gum that sticks to the internal walls of the injector. This then limits the normal flow of fuel even more.
If you’re experiencing less than idea performance, it may be that your fuel system needs repair and cleaning. Contact Beach Weekend Key West Marina for all your boating and repair needs.